Welcome, Alexa and Cameron!

Our laboratory is a busy place, with scientists and high-tech equipment working side-by-side to validate new treatments for children with rare cancers. Robbie, our robot that can screen multiple drugs on cancer cells simultaneously, is certainly a highlight. But the best part of all is our Family Wall!  Our newest addition to the lab’s Family Wall are Alexa and her big brother Cameron. Our team loves this new photo…it truly represents how much Cameron loves and supports his little sister, who is currently fighting a brain tumor. (See the Honor Page that Alexa and her family have launched to support a summer fellow studying juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma.) Thank you to Alexa, Cameron, and their mom Monica for sending us this inspiring photo!

If you’d like to join our Family Wall, please contact External Affairs Director Megan McMillan at megan@cc.tdi.org. 

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