cc-TDI Celebrates First Year

On Monday, May 13th, joined by dear supporters and friends, cc-TDI virtually celebrated the one-year anniversary of our new laboratory. Thanks to incredible support over the years, cc-TDI achieved incredible progress this first year, and this first year milestone was the perfect time to share the progress with you, our community.

The virtual gathering included a welcome from cc-TDI’s Board Chair, John Grant, along with Kent Bugg, Megan’s Dad and founder of the Megan’s Mission Foundation. Attendees were introduced to the research team who provided brief summaries of their areas of focus and heard directly from Dr. Charles Keller on many of the exciting milestones reached this first year.

Also included was an interactive virtual tour which highlighted some of the recently acquired equipment thanks to the $1M investment by the state of Oregon. Amy Quarles, Avery’s Mom, and leader of the Avery’s Rhabdo Blast Project, offered a moving testament on how a cc-TDI parent partnerships has offered science-justified hope to her family. Lastly, we shared a sneak peak of what research projects are on the horizon and how cc-TDI’s Board of Directors is working through a strategic plan for the future health of the organization.

Thus far, we have received quite a bit of positive feedback from attendees and are excited to share the full recording with those of you who were unable to join us. Special appreciation goes out to Kent Bugg, Amy Quarles, and cc-TDI’s Board of Directors for their meaningful contributions.

From all of us at cc-TDI, thank you for all that you do in pushing our research mission forward!

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