Summer Student Internships

Leave a legacy by inspiring young minds with cc-TDI Student Internships!

Each summer cc-TDI proudly offers six to twelve internships for students ages 14 years of age or older. These 6-8 week inclusive experiences allow students to truly be part of the cc-TDI team and master fundamental research techniques while discovering with us how childhood cancers work. Each intern is paired with a cc-TDI scientist mentor as they pursue a project that may lead to a discovery or even a treatment that could reach clinical trials one day. Students are provided a modest stipend, allowing them to gain first-hand experience in a state-of-the-art research laboratory.

Student Benefits Include:

• Mastering the fundamentals of research techniques

• Gaining real-world experience for a career in scientific research

• Working as part of a team within a research setting

• Analysis and interpretation of scientific data

• An appreciation that mathematics is the gateway to childhood cancer cures

A $5,000 donation covers the student stipend, supplies and research support costs for the internship. Are you interested in sponsoring a student? contact Erika Ellis at

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