Science Nonfiction: Lissett, Clear Cell Sarcoma & Collaborations

As the newest lab member at cc-TDI, I began research on clear cell sarcoma in late November of 2018. My immediate goal is to collect as many cells and tissue samples as possible from patients who have had clear cell sarcoma. In order to do this, I have contacted researchers from all over the world and am developing a clear cell sarcoma tissue ‘bank’ so that we can sequence all of these samples to look at what mutations they have. Recently, we also identified a panel of several drugs of interest that we think will have activity for clear cell sarcoma and my next goal is to test the efficacy of these drugs against all possible clear cell sarcoma cell lines. As of today, there is no real standard of care for clear cell sarcoma beyond surgery and our goal is to change that.

I’m very excited to participate in research that is so patient-focused, with real potential to actually impact lives. The work I am doing is very important to me personally, as I interact regularly with people who would be directly impacted by my research. Unlike other research projects I’ve had in the past, I feel deeply connected to the patients I am working for.

I finally had the opportunity to personally meet with Lennie and Denny Woods, the founders of Sara’s Cure, and this research would not be possible without them. I am especially grateful for their support!

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