our thanks to the Macy Easom Foundation

“Macy’s Team” at cc-TDI is grateful to the Macy Easom Cancer Research Foundation for the recent award of $25,000 that supports our mission to make childhood cancer universally survivable.         Partnering with the Foundation, our lab has made substantial progress towards this goal for hepatoblastoma by: 

  • Understanding what has been done thus far by the international hepatoblastoma research community through direct engagement in a lecture series,


  • Piloting model development and new drug discovery in hepatoblastoma — with the identification of two small molecule inhibitors as potential new treatments for further investigation,


  • Creating and publishing in the 2016 peer review literature the Hepatoblastoma Roadmap for a Cure*, and


  • Empowering the community and the Macy Easom Cancer Research Foundation to lead the Roadmap efforts.

 The team is grateful to Lisa Howard for her recent site visit to the lab and the thoughtful discussions with our researchers and local families about the ‘next steps’ for the roadmap efforts.    * Rikhi RR, Spady KK, Hoffman RI, Bateman MS, Bateman M and Howard LE (2016) Hepatoblastoma: A Need for Cell Lines and Tissue Banks to Develop Targeted Drug Therapies. Front. Pediatr. 4:22. doi: 10.3389/fped.2016.00022          

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