Megan’s Mission Awards $100,000 in RMS Support

The Silicon Forest in Hillsboro, OR, January 9, 2024  – The Children’s Cancer Therapy Development Institute was awarded $100,000 in continued support of two research studies for Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) by the Megan’s Mission Foundation. This 2024 funding furthers cc-TDI’s work in two key areas – serving as cornerstone funding allowing a cooperative group to proceed in clinical trial planning for Entinostat, and further supporting the Citizen Scientist Project “Key Knowledge” Initiative looking at PAX3:FOXO1 protein degrader therapies.

In 2020, Megan Bugg – through the support of Team Megan Bugg turned Megan’s Mission Foundation supporters – funded cc-TDI’s initial work on Entinostat for RMS, leading to a phase 1 clinical trial. This support is critical to moving this therapy further in the clinical trial pipeline. In 2021 Megan also launched the Citizen Scientist Project in which cc-TDI researchers have looked at existing drugs to understand which of these compounds could be repurposed for RMS. The research team now aims to dive further into basic science knowledge gaps that inform the design and effective development of protein degrader therapeutics – a kind of drug built from scratch.

“The Megan’s Mission Foundation is proud to continue pursuing Megan Bugg’s dream of ending childhood cancer through advocacy and research.  It is an honor to make this donation to support the incredible research being done at the “Megan Bugg Global Rhabdomyosarcoma Research Laboratory” at the Children’s Cancer Therapy Development Institute.  Thanks to the generous donations from so many supporters, our Foundation is able to continue the partnership that Megan developed with Dr. Charles Keller and his amazing team at cc-TDI.” – Kent Bugg, Maegan’s Dad

The Megan’s Mission Foundation continues to be a proud partner of the Megan Bugg Global Rhabdomyosarcoma Research Laboratory at cc-TDI. Throughout her fight, Megan was a staunch advocate for childhood cancer research. She gave voice to the voiceless so that other children and families would have better treatment options and ultimately better outcomes.

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