Introducing the new cc-TDI website!

If you’ve visited recently, something may have stood out … we’ve launched a new, streamlined website! Having a revamped platform to share amazing research and updates from our staff was a priority – we are so pleased with the finished product!

Our new website is the culmination of months of hard work and collaboration with Earthbased Media. Michael, a very talented web designer, noticed an opportunity to update our brand image and create a friendlier user experience. Our website now reflects cc-TDI – cutting-edge, sleek and modern.

Now that the website is up and rolling, we’d love to get your feedback! Let us know if you see anything out of the ordinary or if you have any comments on the new design.

Thank you, Michael for all the hard work – from crafting the new design, creating new widgets and migrating our old site over – we will be forever grateful for your contributions!

From everyone at cc-TDI, we wish you a very happy weekend. We are so thankful for the constant stream of support.

Visit us. Be inspired. Donate today!

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