Gary Nagamori joins cc-TDI Board

As a bioscience futurist, Gary joins the cc-TDI Executive Board of Directors to leverage his career experience planning biomedical capital projects, shaping a bio-economic development agency and serving the NIH National Center for Research Resources.  From these experiences, Gary has a perspective how emerging technologies shape scientific organizations, operations and economics.  As a consultant, Gary advises in the planning (and funding) of capital infrastructure necessary to support a diversity of operations engaged in the technology transfer process of biomedical research, development, and manufacturing.   Globally, Gary has consulted in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Malaysia, China and Australia.  As Vice President, National Director of Biosciences he was the market sector thought leader in Biotechnology and Translational Medicine for one of the largest architecture and engineering firms in the US.  Biotech clients have included Genentech, Amgen and Baxter. Translational Medicine clients have included Mayo Clinic, Stanford School of Medicine and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.   Gary’s purpose as a cc-TDI Board member is to facilitate the resources, institutional infrastructure and organizational culture necessary to support the cc-TDI scientific research mission.     

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