cc-TDI’s New Year Resolution!

Happy 2018! What are some of your New Years resolutions?


2017 was a very eventful year, and we wanted to thank everyone for the overwhelming support this year – the partnership with the community has enabled us to chase our mission unrelentingly. We are eternally thankful for each and every one of you that has supported our mission. Cheers to a great year ahead!


Last year, we saw our team grow, which we believe sets us up advantageously to support our mission of making all childhood cancers universally survivable. Are you interested in seeing how you can get involved? Look no further! As the team grows, our mission grows as well. To this point, we’ve moved three drugs into clinical trials in our first three years – we want to move five drugs into clinical trials per year!


Also, with the coming new year, we’d love to welcome everyone to the lab – we have an open house scheduled on January 20th at noon. Come see our space and meet the team (if you haven’t already!). We’d love to welcome as many faces as possible!


Just a quick reminder – the 2018 Nanocourse is filling up quickly. The topics will include Epithelioid Sarcoma, Osteosarcoma, and Hepatoblastoma – if you’re interested in a great week studying these topics, don’t hesitate to sign up today! Space is limited and the event is filling up quickly.


That’s all for the first Friday of 2018 – everyone at cc-TDI would like to wish you a great start to the new year!


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