Another Important Example of “Together but Separate”

Our research on Clear Cell Sarcoma (CCS) now includes an international collaboration.  We have received samples from nearly every continent to study, but we have also established important strategic data sharing and collaboration with Drs Patrick Schöffski and Agnieskzka Wozniak at KU Leuven (Belgium) and Dr Sebastian Bauer at University Hospital Essen (Germany).  This group is brought together by both Sara’s Cure Foundation and the Edward Showler Foundation (UK).  

From our drug screen, we have three drugs of ongoing interest, more to test, and others ruled out.  Sequencing results are the star of this update:  we’re increasingly able to separate GI and non-GI tumors, and these comparisons are bringing out potential drug targets. 

Given the value of sequencing, we’re expanding efforts to include more samples (about three dozen).  Costs are defrayed in part by The Sam Day Foundation, and we are also seeking other donors to this effort. Thanks to the international collaboration and open effort at sharing we’ll be able to meaningfully understand CCS and develop new treatments tangibly.

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