Building Blocks to a Cure for Cancer

How can we build a cure for cancer?  We’re glad you asked! Imagine this: a children’s block letter toy set with 26 letters. Divide those into 5 major groups (A-E, F-J,  K-O,  P-T and  U-Z). Now, apply those blocks to embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (eRMS). However, those blocks are now separated into groups based on genes instead of letters. Each group represents an “archetype” from which we can determine the best treatments in a more “personalized” way. Our goal is to create a simple drug – genetic matching system and then share the information in real time with pediatric oncologists of eRMS patients who may have scientific interest. We have already begun creating the matching system. All we need is your help to continue our endeavors and make eRMS universally survivable – with least side effects and highest quality of life after treatment. How can you help? A gift from you supports the research lab, our team of scientist and engineers who make curing cancer possible AND projects like the building blocks Each September we hope to raise much needed awareness of childhood cancers but we can’t do that without your help.  Please donate to stop fatal childhood cancers!   Visit Us.  Be Inspired.  DONATE TODAY.  

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